The kitten, "kitts," has been extra cuddly lately. I think she's just cold most of the time, but she needs to realize that heating money doesn't just grow on trees. We cranked the thermostat to 60 last night. I had just finished crafting a present for a friend when kitts decided to settle in.
Here is the present:
I made cookies...this isn't the best picture. |
I knit a slouchy cable beret. |
And I painted this mini portrait of her dog, Charlie.
IRL Charlie is cuter. I've never met Charlie, but his pictures make him look like he's cute IRL. |
Since the beginning of this post, kitts has decided to snuggle right up next to me and go to sleep. At least she gives off some heat with her little kitten body.
Now it's time to go to homework. Boring, snore.