Monday, February 7, 2011


Sometimes cats say mur instead of meow. Matilda likes a good mur. Did you ever think you'd be reading a blog post about what cats say? Duh. You wouldn't have ended up here in the first place if you didn't sincerely believe that was a possibility. So, today it's a cat project!

We all know that I'm an abysmal seamstress. I can't sew a straight line, etc., etc. All very amusing, I assure you. But what I lack in sewing machine skills, I make up for in sewing by hand skills. This is not to say that my hand-sewing skills are astonishing or anything, but I can hold my own on small projects. So, here are some small projects from the past, given to some small friends.

Felt Cat Toys

Winter Mitten, Fairy Log, Sleepy/Angry Pill, Carrot, Tiny Cherries

Jellyfish, Leaf, Cupcake
felt in several colors
thread or embroidery floss
embroidery needle
potent catnip
crinkly plastic (This might be a piece you've cut from a cereal or chip bag, or the ring of plastic around the lid of your salsa--stuff like that, nice and crinkly!)

This project proceeds just as you might imagine. Think of a design; cut out your design; sew any decorative details; sew your pieces of felt together while leaving a little hole for stuffing, catnip, and plastic, and finally, sew up the little hole.

Beware of lurkers! If you're making this project with a cat in the house, the situation can become dangerous quite quickly. Keep the catnip out of reach. Protect your fingers at all costs!

So cute.

Yet, so deadly.


  1. amazing work yes they are so cute and deadly love it

  2. Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information cat toys


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