Another UPDATE 7-13-2011 can be found
here! Does anyone else think of Unsolved Mysteries when they read, "UPDATE"? I do. An UPDATE on my sweater progress can be found here:
Vogue Sweater Endeavor.
I assure you I've been knitting, but I've been neglecting properly documenting my knitting. I have at least two projects that have been completed but I haven't posted final pictures up on
Ravelry. (If you are a knitter and you don't have a Ravelry account, get one.) I started a new sweater journey that no doubt will not be completed until Christmas. In my recent Vogue Knitting Magazine, I found a lovely lace sweater to try out. I picked out some fingering weight yarn from
knitpicks and cast on yesterday. You can view my Ravelry post
(In other news I just heard a gunshot. Yeah a gunshot at 2:21 on a Sunday afternoon in Olympia, WA. Ridiculous. Anyway, I turn on my handy 5-0 Radio free iPhone App and sure enough gunshot reported on the other side of the sound, up the hill).
When I start a massive new project, I'm reminded of other knitting projects from my past. I have had some successes and quite a few failures. The only other sweater I have ever completed was a disaster. I hated it so much that I gave it to my mom last year for her birthday. In my defense, she really likes it. Or she likes it enough to wear it a bunch. It wasn't hideous or anything, just not my cup of tea.
About a year ago, I completed my very first capelet. I loved this project, and I loved this yarn. I would make 20 of these (even if I never really wear it).
My current sweater is knit using a merino/silk blend. The color reminds me of wet dolphins. Know that. Here is what I have so far. You can tell by how much yearn there is that I have a loooonnngggg ways to go.
Pre-wound yarn. |
Wound yarn. |
The start to the bottom of the sweater. |
A close up...those some tiny stitches. |