
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Handmade Home: November Banner

I love to celebrate the seasons, and bring a little life in to my environment every couple months. especially here when sometimes the weather doesn't lend itself to reinforcing that it's fall or winter. So this weekend I made a 'November' banner. 

I figured that monograms are so popular, and they make days of the week underwear, so why shouldn't I have months of the year banners...?

I love it when I think of a project and realize that I have all the necessary supplies right in my own home, it should pretty much always be that way since I have so much stuff, but sometimes I have to venture out of the house to locate a staple.

For this banner I used some yarn, striped fabric, and glitter paper. Oh, and some teeny tiny little brads.

After finishing these tassels I fell in love with them. I've done smaller tassels (even a tassel necklace), but haven't ever gone this big... I think it just may be my new thing! I can here it now...'Oh Monika, yeah, she goes big.'

But honestly I was really pleased with these, I also stripped the fabric so I could just add a simple tie on the ends of the banner.

I even made a nice little tassel decoration for the lamp at my table.

There she is in full effect. You know I personally like it enough to make one for every month; and I probably will, use sisters love banners and garland. Don't believe me...?

...PROOF! Now you should go investigate our various seasonal creations; and then make a ton of your own garlands and banners!!

1. Glitter Pine Cone Garland  2. Fall Garland 3. Hearts on a string  4. Diamonds  5. Make a Merry Garland  6. Kites!

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