
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Peanut & Purls & Halloween Cookies

The Nicolai sisters have always made sugar cutout cookies at Christmas time. It's one of our Nicolai-sister traditions. As grownups, we sometimes get a little creative with our cookies and they maybe don't end up being as traditional as our mom would like. I'm usually the one spearheading the cookie project. I'll gather up the sisters and try to get them to commit but inevitably what happens is...

Monika eats a lot of dough and quits early on. Sometimes after a break she'll come back and decorate a few. I always enjoy the dough making, rolling out the dough, and cutting out the cookies. I usually get kind of bored with decorating them about halfway through the process.

Luckily, Christine hates the baking part but always sticks with the decorating. That usually means all the really impressive decorating happens at the very end when it's just Christine and the sprinkles. 

Take a peek at some of our cookies. You can also check out some of the other cookies Christine decorated by following her instagram feed @christinesuzanne

Christmas is only 2 months away, so there's not long to wait before we will be decorating cookies again. Maybe we'll have some haunted house, zombie, cookie crossovers

Need another creepy treat for your Halloween festivities? Christine made a killer cake a few years back. It creeps me out to look at the pictures. Gross (but also glorious).

My absolute favorite Halloween cookie is the bloated dead finger cookie. They're little shortbread sticks that are shaped to look like fingers. They puff up in the oven. You can add a sliced almond as a fingernail (make sure it's slightly askew), and there you have it, dead finger cookie.

Get baking!