
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Instaweek: California Edition I

Monika's hot air balloons were hanging over the sink.

Here's a little sampling of our California adventures...

We found so many snail friends! Except Monika and Ben don't consider them friends because the snails eat their plants.
Also, I stepped on one. I felt really bad about that. 

Catherine probably ate 16 of these rellenitos. That's because we went to Porto's (a Cuban bakery) like every day.
What are rellenitos? Find out here.

Monika made breakfast--well, Catherine cooked the egg and cut the avocado, but Monika grated and sauteed the sweet potato.
New favorite thing!

We took a trip to Kit Krafts, where we found these excellent models hanging from the wall above our heads.  They're made from paper!

Monika and I checked out the LA River. It's kind of gross, but there were ducks swimming around in there.
Ducks don't even care about grossness.

Monika started teaching me how to knit a necklace. Didn't go so great. Monika and Catherine decided that I'm the worst knitter
in the sister trio, which is probably true. 

Monika's checking out Forest Lawn across the LA River. This was after I tried to feed a squirrel. For some reason,
I think all squirrels are my friends. Turns out, that's not the case. 

instagram christinesuzanne

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