
Friday, October 11, 2013

Top 5 best cat apparel


This cute cat scarf is from Modcloth. Umm, what's not to love? You can totally wear this scarf to work too. It's fine, you can.


Knitted. Cat. Socks. I don't know why I haven't made these for myself yet. Um, hello new weekend plans!


Yeah they will. Just tonight I was on the phone (conference call style) with both sisters when I saw that there was a leaf on the ground by my front door. I went to pick it up and, weird, it wasn't a leaf at all. It was a pile of cat puke. Cat puke that was now on my hand. Blech, but this t-shirt isn't blech.


This pretty little cat t-shirt is from Forever 21. Was from Forever 21. Who has two thumbs and regrets not buying this t-shirt? This girl!


Pink cat sweater. If it wasn't $100+ I would I buy it in a flash.

I hope this post inspires you to go out there and buy some cat apparel. I already found like 3 more things I'm going to go purchase right now.

Shout out to Christine's Pinterest cat board for the inspiration!

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