
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Found: Bunches of Bangles

A couple weekends ago, Mom and I did a little estate sale browsing in Puyallup. We came away with six or seven amazing Mexican paper lanterns (I should really take a picture of them--they're quite pretty) and these vintage sterling silver bangles, also from Mexico. And silly me, I almost walked right by them. They were all in a jumble together inside a basket. Good thing that I had Mom with me because she started looking through them and brought about my Wait just a minute! moment. Oftentimes Mom finds the treasures because she's the one with the patience to look in unlikely places. Good job, Mom....

Of course, it didn't take long before I was clanking around with them all on my wrist. And with these new accessories, I began to harbor a secret dream of covering myself arms to elbows in fantastic bangles. This dream, not so secret now, is bolstered by me saying softly: soon, my precious. I think in this situation, my arms are my preciouses. So, if I were going to adorn my preciouses with bracelets, the lovelies below would certainly feature in my selection. 

Love these simple silver and bronze bangles by the father daughter team that makes up WSAKE.  They even have a little blog post featuring the tools they use to hammer out (or in) all the tiny ping marks. Sweet!

Love Soft Gold Studio. I talked about her delightful rings here. Well then it shouldn't come as a surprise that I love her bracelets with equal gusto. Don't forget to stop by her instagram @softgoldstudio or the Soft Gold Studio website. 

Love the Kate Spade idiom bangles. I think No Sleep Till Brooklyn is my ultimate favorite, but pretty much all the others come in as close seconds. Plus, black and gold? Only always and forever, please.

P.S. If you're interested in finding your own vintage Mexican sterling silver bangles, you can search just that on etsy. Happy hunting!

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