
Saturday, September 15, 2012


Much of my life in the past couple weeks has consisted of watching Matilda sit in sunny windows. I think,
like me, Matilda has noticed the change in the weather and is trying to soak up as much of the late
summer sun as felinely possible. Valiant effort, girly. Keep up the good work...

These lovely plums are courtesy of my friend, Sheila. She collected these before the deer could have their way
with them. Ugh, deer. Mind your own business. You should know that I made a bomb pie with these suckers.
Balsamic reduction in the house. For serious.

These pretty posts were a birthday gift from Mom. Check out Annika Kaplan for your own.

I found this acorn cap on the walk to the Museum. The squirrels have been very busy lately. Gathering all their
acorns and secrets. Maybe more acorns than secrets...but you never know about squirrels. 

Chalk on the wall of the Museum...a leftover from our recent teen event A Night Underground. A fun evening, but it
 did remind me that I'm so glad not to be a teenager anymore. Sorry, teenagers--I don't mean to hate on your age
group, but I'm so relieved that I don't have to repeat seventeen. 

For more random adventuring, nature treasures, and catness, visit me on instagram. 

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