
Monday, September 17, 2012

Book Report: We Have Always Lived in the Castle

Yes, I've talked about We Have Always Lived in the Castle several times, but I'm really feeling it lately. WHALC so supremely embodies the hyper-isolated sister experience I long for. Secret bower in the woods? Check. Wise cat? Check. Library books? Check. Magic words? Check, check, check. Don't freak out, sisters, but I just may want to poison ancillary people and live in a mansion in the woods with you. Maybe don't let me prepare any meals for a while. I hope I didn't give too much away... 

Shhh, here are the magic words: MELODY GLOUCESTER PEGASUS. Won't you please come in?

If you adore We Have Always Lived in the Castle, may I make a recommendation?
Look for something in the Gothic vein, like Jane Eyre. I assure you, there will be no regrets.  

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