
Friday, August 31, 2012

Brought to you by the letters P & M.

This is a detail from Nomade, a painted stainless steel sculpture by Spanish artist, Jaume Plensa, installed in the John and Mary Pappajohn Sculpture Park in Des Moines, IA. I wandered through the park with my friends Dan & Rachel on a rainy afternoon. Rachel and I were both wearing canvas shoes--fools!--and while I can't speak for Rachel, my shoes are now the grossest things ever. Sorry for any shoe ruination you may have experienced, Rachel. Anyway, while standing inside this sculpture and reading all the angsty teenager graffiti, Rachel spotted something. She has such sharp eyes...

That's right, a praying mantis! They must be in season big time--you may remember Monika's praying mantis encounters in California. As you might imagine, I was pretty excited by this discovery. Back in Arizona, we used to let the praying mantis crawl on our arms. (Insects crawling on arms is a big thing for the Nicolai sisters.) I was hoping to see fireflies while in Iowa, but they're already done for the year. Sigh. Still, I'll happily take a praying mantis on a piece of public art.

For more random adventuring, curious beasties, and catness, visit me on instagram. 

1 comment:

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