
Monday, May 7, 2012

Sunshine in Olympia!

Yeah, yeah, yeah it's Spring and lots of places have sunshine, but in Olympia, WA, this hasn't happened too many times this year. On Saturday morning, Nicholas and I took full advantage of this (and we had to get our cars downtown from the night before...ssssshhhh). We went all over the place and then even managed to get in lots of yard work. Take a look!

The iris are blooming!

The harbor...tide is out.

A stop by Olympia Seafood Co. for some smoke salmon and lox snacks. It was delicious.

The farmer's market

Fun fact: Olympia's farmer's market has more fresh, locally grown produce than Pike's Place in Seattle. Boom!

Next stop, Ramirez for some Cinco de Mayo quesadilla fixings. This is also the best Mexican food in town.

I bought ready-to-bloom geraniums at Costco.

All our of spring flowers are blooming.

After a few week delay and some lawn mower repairs, I finally mow the lawn.

Peanut assists as always.

I find more snails!

Geraniums potted.

Rockery weeded.

Our radishes are coming up!

Our onions are going crazy.

Then I found the cutest little pinecones possible. Until...

I find even smaller pinecones!

Then I admire the Bigelow House and think how cool it is to live next door...and let's be honest, I think about the
March sisters from Little Women because that's what this house always reminds me of.

And finally, I have dug out (mother helped) every last dandelion from these rocks. This will probably last 2 weeks.

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