
Monday, April 30, 2012

DIY: Berry Lovely Necklace

A while ago, I was at the craft store looking for nothing and everything, and I happened upon some pastel beads that resembled berries, and so I decided to make a berry lovely necklace...

 Out and about in Spokane berries 

Not berry colored.

As I mentioned, the beads were pastel, which doesn't scream juicy ripe berries, so, I painted them. I decided to use some nail polish so that they would be nice and glossy.

Perfect primer for blackberries and raspberries.

I rigged a bead holder out of some wire so that I wouldn't get paint on my fingers--it was still a messy process. Make sure you have nail polish remover on hand.

After several coats they looked good enough to eat...and the house smelled like varnish.

To create a vine look for my necklace I paid a visit to kit krafts to sift through the bins to find my bramble leaves.

I used a needle nosed pliers to attach everything together.

I did two separate vines: one for raspberries and the other for the blackberries. I figured this would provide more variety to my accessorizing.

I'm pretty happy with the result. I haven't found the occasion to wear them yet, but I'm excited about this project and the possibilities it opens up...maybe a salmonberry vine would be a nice addition?

Coming soon?


  1. This turned out amazing! Bravo! Now I can't wait for blackberry season here in the PNW.

    1. Thanks so much, Tesla! I can't wait for berry season either. I'm definitely going to be raiding the brambles in my mom's pasture. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing this one. I knew this berry will look great on DIY necklaces.
    artisan designer jewelry

  3. That turned out really nice!

  4. This necklace is fantastic! And yes, a salmonberry one would be sublime. . .

  5. Mmmm, yummy! Those decors are just like real berries waiting to be turned into pie fillings, haha. Seriously, that necklace is lovely and charming. It’s the kind that every woman would love to have in their jewelry box. It's better when paired with a cocktail dress, and it’s the perfect ornament for mid-summer parties since raspberries are just getting harvested at that time.

  6. This is a wonderful tutorial. Thanks for sharing it with the world.

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