
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Pom-pom mania!

I had a craving for some pom-poms today, so I went ahead and fixed myself a whole heap load of poms.

This is the container I used to collect all the scraps, but it kind of looks like a delicious yarn drink.

Peanut was helping me take inventory.

If you don't know how to make pom-poms, don't fret, I'll show you!

First you get out your yarn, scissors, and some thread.

Next you wrap the yarn around your fingers a bunch of times.
(Note the nail polish has lasted exactly one week from when my nails were originally painted.)

Then you take off the wrapped yarn and tie some thread around the middle real tight. 
You can also use the same yarn to tie around the middle. Depending on the yarn's strength, it might break.

Next, you use your scissors and cut through the ends on both sides.

Almost done.

Now you just need to trim up the ends so that it's extra fluffy.

Congrats, you've finished one pom!

Now all you have to do is make a gazillion more and you can do something awesome with them.
I decided I would string all my poms together. I went with a St. Valentine's Day color scheme so they could be left up for a few months.

After they were all strung together, this is what I had to work with.

I decided to drape it over a picture frame and call it good.

Or if you're really feeling festive, you could always decorate your wrought-iron gate with some poms.

Happy pom making.

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