
Friday, November 11, 2011

warm glow

I'm working an event at the Museum tonight, which means I have an entire morning and afternoon left to my own devices. What to do with all the time? Why, make a quick little craft, of course.

Paper covered candles: probably one of the easiest crafts ever and lovely on the table or fireplace mantel.
Here's what you'll need:

a couple glass votives

a selection of paper, wrapping or scrap

scissors, glue stick, tealight, matches

Cut your paper to fit your glass. Don't worry about making it perfect. You'll have time to trim. 

Apply glue to paper.

Press against the glass. Repeat with the other end of the paper. 

Trim the excess paper.
Don't worry, the edge of the glass will guide you to a decently straight cut.

light the tealight

And you're done. 

You did a terrific job!

Interested in a tutorial on covering matchboxes? You can find one here.

P.S. I took these pictures in the darkest place I could find: my closet. 


  1. Sharon in Indy (Dan's mom)November 11, 2011 at 1:35 PM

    I love this. So simple. I think I may have to make some for Christmas decorating.

  2. Dan's mom, as in Mrs. Vice? Yes! Get Rachel and Emma and Erin together and craft some decorations!
