
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Handmade Home: A Fresh Start

This year is going to be different. I'm reminded of 30 Rock every new year, when Liz Lemon visits her accountant and he tells her that he doesn't need to see her receipts because nothing has changed. She objects and recites menial differences in her life this past year. Or when Liz Lemon buys all her containers at the new container store, and is finally going to get organized... I've been watching a lot of 30 Rock lately okay.

But for me this year is going to be different, and to commemorate this a new start on my mantle...

Something I've never done before, pinning feathers to the wall. That's new. The large one is my pelican feather from Mom's last visit, the two smaller black ones are from turkey vultures from a Virginia cemetery, the white is a swan from our Aunt's lake house and the striped beauty is a hawks feather Ben found for me.

 A gifted air plant is also a great adornment for a fresh start.

And a potted air plant is another great foot forward. Yes, that is a cantaloupe fashioned ceramic bowl.

Well, this is my fresh start mantle arrangement. I feel good about it, and am excited to walk in to my front room and see it so far. I've decided 2014 is going to be a good year.

This was all too much excitement for Olive, but I think she also agrees that this will be a good year.

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