
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Insta-sista: Kanye Edition

So I realized that I have been pretty light on the instagramming lately, but luckily I did see some action last night that is worth sharing... Yeezus!

Ben and I went to see Kanye don't in Anaheim last night and let me tell you the man can put on a show. Even though we were up in the stadium seating (which I didn't mind) the view and the spectacle was awesome.

This is one of my favorite moments of the night, when the stadium lit up upon Kanye's request for 'All of the lights...' I think I love it so much because it highlights how much the rigging over the stage looks like a giant space ship.

If you couldn't tell by some of the photos above, he had a mountain facade (reminiscent of the Aggro Crag from Nickelodeons Guts) that was used during the performance. At one point it turned volcanic... you know I loved that.

And here is the picture that ended up on instagram. This was in the first part of the show, when Kanye was wearing on of his sparkly head masks.

Even though I didn't have much instagram action this past week you should check out the sisters instagram feeds, Christine especially always has excellent new content.


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