
Friday, December 20, 2013

Best of: Party DIYs

Since we're deep into party season, I thought now might be a good time to collect some DIY party staples. These projects will serve for Christmas or New Year's Eve parties, can be fancy-pants or super-casual, adapted for kids or those picky adults. Plus, they're guaranteed to add fun on fun on fun to any gathering. Party on, Wayne!

Image via Julep

Here's a classy take on those nasally noisemakers you probably found at every birthday party in third grade. Julep, always full of good ideas, came up with this party blower tutorial this summer, but I submit that party blowers are essential for upping the fun quotient at your New Year's Eve bash. Especially when they have fluttery streamers and pretty paper! 

I think people should be encouraged to get a little silly at holiday parties. Not falling-down-making-a-complete-fool-of-themselves silly, but giggly-having-a-good-time-with-friends silly. Hats of any sort help this process along. Crowns take it an extra step. If you add confetti, you're basically setting the stage for the ultimate party silliness. These sweet and simple confetti crowns from the ladies at Best Friends for Frosting are adorable and will definitely earn you a slew of high fives from happy party-goers.

Image via Studio DIY

What's a party without balloons? Seriously, you'd have to be the biggest Scrooge McDuck to throw a party without some balloon action. Even if you're the sort of party-thrower who thinks balloons are for little kids, I think you'd agree that these confetti-dipped balloons by Kelly of Studio DIY are pretty dang chic. Plus, double confetti? That's a double dose of fun right there. 

Image via Smile and Wave

When I was little, there were always random straws in practically every single kitchen drawer. (Sometimes I would throw them away on the sly.) So, when I saw this bunting made from straws, I was like: GENIUS! It's just off-the-wall cute, and I would definitely admire it at a party. All you need are straws and string. Rachel of Smile and Wave gives you the step-by-step here.

Image via Fellow Fellow

If you're none too excited about trusting tipsy guests with your finest vintage Muppets collectible glasses from McDonald's, circa 1981 (I'm talking about myself here.), then you might be interested in festive-fying your paper cups with glittery pipe cleaners. Claire of Fellow Fellow has provided simple instructions for this and like a thousand other wonderful projects. Really, she is a gem. If you're not reading her blog, you should make it a New Year's resolution. 

Also, I was totally obsessed with glitter pipe cleaners a couple years ago. I made initial package toppers, a bow for my hair, and votive holders. Glitter pipe cleaners provide such a wealth of possibilities. It's ridiculous...ridiculous that they're so awesome. 

Party on, Garth!

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