
Saturday, November 2, 2013


View from my bedroom window.

This edition of Monika's instagram wrap up is set in the Great Pacific Northwest. Where I got the chance to escape and hide out at Mom's house and get in some sister time...

I got to enjoy Mom's dahlias, and a nice quiet forested back yard.

I also got so check out some pretty holly one morning.

We drove up the Puget Sound to Port Townsend and stopped at Potlatch State Park. It's always nice to see a new coast line. The water was so high, the waves were overtaking the grass.

We also stopped at a water fall view point, and took a longer than we thought, hike down a trail to the bottom of the falls. It was a very brisk walk in the middle of a long car ride, so it was quite refreshing.

This is a creepy staircase from one of the old Officers houses on Fort Worden, near Port Townsend. There have been a lot of rumors, whispers, and accounts of the area being haunted.

On that haunting note, here is a little snippet of my Halloween costume. Yes, they are everlasting gobstoppers!!

For more instagram fun, you can follow me @monikajane, hope you had a Happy Halloween!!

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