
Friday, November 29, 2013

Best of Thanksgiving leftovers

 This post won't have any beautiful fall foods in it, sorry. This is my leftovers memories from Thanksgiving I guess. Ben and I didn't cook at home this year, we went to Dawn's and feasted potluck style. It was delicious and fun, but we are up after a nap now and lamenting the loss of leftovers. So no food leftovers in this post, as there are no food leftovers in our kitchen. It probably helps us not to be overly thankful, turned glutinous.

So here is the best of my Thanksgiving sans food pictures...

 We got up early so Ben could go play flag football (also referred to as turkey bowl). The night before he got together the other needed supplies, but I helped him situate the flags over coffee.

After I saw him out the door I had a light breakfast of more coffee and chocolate honey mints. I wanted to make sure I had plenty of room for the harvest later.

It wasn't too long after that the girls and I set out for a mid morning stroll. We did some discovering, some one did some barking (Lucca), but mostly we did some stone cold strolling.

Of course just because it's a holiday, doesn't mean I can slack off (for the most part I totally did) but for a short period of time I worked on an upcoming project. 

Then soon enough it was time to head down the street and start our festivities. With some acorn squash, cranberries and mimosa supplies, we started the major food portion of the day. I hope everyone had a nice day, I know we did.

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