
Friday, August 2, 2013

Best Summer Icy Treats

This post was inspired by a recent podcast from the ladies of the Stuff You Missed in History Class, from How Stuff Works on the origins of ice cream. The podcast is super interesting, and you should definitely check it out.

Although I am one of the strange untrustworthy folks they mention that doesn't go crazy for ice cream (sorry dairy); I still can appreciate the splendor and glee that a delicious icy treat can provide on a hot day. So to take advantage of the remaining days of summer, I wanted to share some delicious frozen treats from some amazing lady bloggers.

1.) Cucumber Mint Slushie, from A House in the Hills

I just recently discovered A House in the Hills, a blog by Sarah Yates, and boy am I delighted! Not only does she have an amazing story to tell, wonderful healthy recipes to share, fabulous pictures, and a great voice, but she also has two of the cutest dogs. Between this recipe she shared for a refreshing cucumber mint slushie, and the picture of her dogs Bean and Nugget, I'm in blog heaven!

2.) Plum Sorbet, from The White Ramekins

It was hard to select only one recipe to share from Himashu Taneja, at The White Ramekins, but as soon as I came across this recipe I stopped in my tracks. There are so many things to love about this plum sorbet, but apart from the obvious, there are only four ingredients; plums, water, sugar (to taste), and balsamic vinegar. Also, I'd like to confess that I just learned what a ramekin was this year, and I'm kind of in love with the fact that Himashu is banker by day, blogger by night (just like me).

3.) Mango Cardamom and Sweet Coconut Popsicles, from A Cozy Kitchen

Adrianna from A Cozy Kitchen has got it right. Not only are these the popsicles of my dream, but they are fanciful and really well designed too. I am officially starving! Also, Adrianna, you are totally right, people who just bite in to cold things like they haven't a care in the world make me cringe. Maybe I'm in the same club as you, people with cold sensitive teeth that will all fall out. Now there's something to ask my dentist about.

4.) Corn Ice Cream, from Martha Stewart

Okay Martha, you had me with corn... as I mentioned earlier, I don't do a lot of dairy or really sweet sweets. So any time I can get a unique savory flavor in a food item that is traditionally meant to be sweet I find myself being like, 'go on I'm listening...' My skills are not such that I could make this, but if someone did, I would certainly be excited to try it.

5.) Lemon, Honey and Thyme Sorbet, from My Darling Lemon Thyme

Delightful. I guess in that one word I can sum up Emma Galloway's blog My Darling Lemon Thyme. Delightful. I'm really excited to delve deeper and check out her gardening tips and dairy free recipes. I have so much work to do...

As you can see prefacing this post as relating to ice cream might have been a bit misleading, as only one of the treats actually featured cream (corn!). Us sisters don't have a great time with dairy for the most part so I suppose these non dairy treats are more applicable to the sisters. Too bad it's so late right now because after this post I'm starving!

I hope you enjoyed my top five icy treats for the summer, and I encourage you to check out these cooking ladies' blogs. You will find so many lovely things.

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