
Saturday, March 23, 2013


So this installation of Insta-sista is dedicated to my recent trip home to Washington to help Catherine move. I flew out in the afternoon on Friday so I could squeeze in some Monika and Olive time. We took a lovely little stroll and she did so well...

When we went to pick up the U-Haul at the storage place, there were a few little gems that I am going to hold on to. First the gentleman that assisted us wasn't eager to make eye contact and spoke very, very softly; and secondly (most important) on top of the fuse box outside were treasures that (we assumed) were left in various U-Haul trucks. Lots of Simpsons stuff, and a name tag that said, 'Chong' (blurred out of picture).

Loading the U-Haul was interesting. It poured down rain while we were moving the heaviest, most awkward items (mattresses and solid wood wine cabinet). I will admit that I was laughing so hard that I kept dropping the mattress and actually pushed Catherine off the loading ramp with it. Whoops. Featured above is the box of books that tumbled down from the stack. Catherine has too many books, and I will not admit fault.

After the storage unit was loaded and we returned back to the empty house, Mom brightened it by feeding the cats grass... and they proceeded to climb all over her. We love our Mom.

To shake of the moving blues we went out to get a couple drinks. Catherine (unintentionally) wore all shades of red imaginable. It doesn't help that there was also a red light on her. Based on her expression, you can tell she isn't thrilled about having her picture taken. Sorry Sister.

Home again, and back to reality (and Olive!)... Oh well, I'll be visiting again soon.

If you want to follow my excursions and other randomness on instagram (I'd like to follow yours...) my handle is @monikajane.

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