
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Home and Away: More Home...

First and foremost, allow me the opportunity to apologize for the following offenses;

1. There are many instagram photos in this post, but it is not an insta-sista installation.
2. This is yet another post about a. Burbank and b. Jay and Dawn now living with us.
3. There are many furry faces in the following post

Now that I have apologized in advance I don't feel any recourse for asking you to observe Olive's cute neck accessory (pink and white stripped tea towel) that makes her look like such a lady. Enter, my current life...

This is Niccolo' (Machiavelli), or Nicci as he more commonly goes by. Quite appropriate to his namesake he is kind of a prince... and the size of a small cat. Dawn loves him terribly, even though he has a bit of an eating disorder, which she has pointed out as being very strange since her and Jay both love food.

Not only do they both love food, but they both love to cook! So this is a peek at what my mornings have been looking like lately. I have taken to calling them 'egg treats' because they really are. Also, that is a spicy pickle and greek yogurt; don't say a word until you try this combination, it is delightful.

As of late, my mornings are not only filled with delicious food (and company, Dawn is an early bird too), but they are also filled with this 'morning cat' (as I have called it). Morning cat first appeared as seen in this picture, outside the window by my kitchen table. To get the full experience of our first interaction, go ahead and just stare hard at this picture for at least one full minute (if not two); because that is what happened to me. Have you ever starred in to the eyes of a strange cat for over a minute while it was completely frozen? Don't. It is creepy and in the mornings to follow when I see this cat it continues to haunt me.

Tonight actually marked the first time Dawn has met me after work for a cocktail. It was just the ticket. Also, my Pirate Mojito was super refreshing as it was in the 80s today (in March!). 

Along with coming home to outstanding dinners, and friends, the above picture illustrates the other things I come home to. So precious, and not too different than what Olive is doing right now as I am writing this post... oh Olive.

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