
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Peanut & Purls: Hearts on hearts on Peanut

Love is in the air. Well, not always with Peanut. Sometimes Peanut isn't all about love, but when she's cold or tired and wants cuds, she loves you (read: your heat) to death! I decided to show some love back by knitting her a little heart cat toy that she can rub on, get a little loopy, and then go to sleep (probably on me...but who doesn't love a cat on their lap?!?)...

This weekend I also cleaned house a bit. I made the decision to get rid of one of Peanut's cardboard cat houses. She had collapsed the house and there was no repairing this one--its foundation had cracked. I also put a bunch of her toys in storage. I'm hoping that will encourage her to play with them more because she won't be so overwhelmed with heaps of toys, so far this has worked. This heart toy will surely have a place in her little kitty heart.

Verdict: She <3's it!

I found the pattern on Ravelry for free. It came from the Mochimochi Land blog. I have lots of leftover yarn from St. Valentine's pom-pom garland from last year. My only addition was to stuff with pieces of string and catnip for Peanut's benefit. I also didn't it like the pattern because I didn't use feltable wool. You could, of course, not use catnip. The technique for catnip stuffing can be read about in Peanut's Thanksgiving cat toys.


  1. Hi - my silly job got in the way of reading blogs - how dare it! - so I'm a little behind and still catching up on all the posts. Of course, I had to stop and comment on Peanut and her heart toys. I love the shots of her carrying it in her mouth - my Charley does that but the second he sees the camera he drops his toys, never fails. LOL! Peanut's a lucky girl to have an in-house toy knitter keeping her well stocked. :)

    1. Hi Heather! I hope your holidays were fabulous. It's so tricky getting those toy-in-the-mouth shots. I had to take quite a few blurry pictures to get one or two that would work.
      Thanks for the comment!
