
Saturday, November 3, 2012


As I'm sure you know, it's been getting colder. We still haven't turned on our heat, so I usually resort to bundling up in all those garments I've knit in past years...

With cold weather comes baking! I baked these tasty RC Treats (as I like to call them) for a Halloween bake sale at work.

The weather has almost forced most of my projects indoors, and the same goes for my mom. I was recently at her house helping paint my old bedroom when I noticed this little guy. My first wallet! It's still in primo condition, and I think I might have to bring it along with me the next time I go to Disneyland (there will be a next time)!

This delicious tasty is from Corina Bakery in Tacoma. Nicholas and I picked up some cake last night to take to my mom's because yesterday was her 13th year anniversary of beating cancer. Way to go mother! (The cake was delicious too!)

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