
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Home and Away: Thankful for my ladies.

Although I don't really get all into the let's countdown what we're thankful for spirit that Thanksgiving time typically generates (this could just be the cynical Nicolai nature), I am still very thankful (annually) for a lot.

One definite thing I'd like to highlight since I've moved away from everyone is that I'm super thankful for all the ladies in my life that bring it, to California, all the time. I actually noticed that these ladies are the only people I've awarded a handmade badge, seems I have my priorities right.

When Christine visits we get to super nerd out and visit museums, flea markets, and hang out in skeleton make up (strictly during Halloween time) together.

Catherine and I always seem to end up laying around the living room knitting, crafting, and snacking for at least one lazy day, but when we go out we hit it hard. We've combed Malibu, examined tide pools, and she made me pick up really a large mollusk (it had some weird tooth and was coming for me. I still have nightmares...).

My original Disneyland gansta, Jenny, and I rule the Magic Kingdom with a iron fist. We also beach it up and run around the abandoned LA Zoo in Griffith Park... and have been know to party down in dive bars.

And of course there's Dawn, a newbie on my ladies list, though I feel as if she's been here for years. She's been a great partner in crime for me, encouraging my miniature obsession, and feeding me way too well. Can't wait for her to become a Burbank resident!!

So basically this post is dedicated to you four ladies who have made me forget how many miles lay between us. I will eat some stuffing, green beans, yams, acorn squash, and asparagus in your honor.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I'm super thankful for you too! and for that awesome badge that Jay made me sew onto his jacket because he loves it as much as I do! xoxoxoxo

    1. This makes me happy, and it also makes me feel like you need your very own badge because he's hogging it. :)
