
Friday, November 30, 2012

DIY: Fern stencil pillow

So I had this really great step-by-step tutorial on how to make a pillow using a fern. HAD. Then my computer broke and the folks at Apple are having the trickiest time fixing it. Because of all of this, I lost every one of my pictures. Luckily, I instagram enough and texted Christine some updates. I gathered some sword ferns from the Evergreen Forest when Nick and I went mushroom hunting...

Said forest.

I picked up some Martha Stewart acrylic paints I used Wild Salmon in the satin finish. I carefully placed two ferns and then, using a paintbrush, dabbed on paint around the fern outline.

Some of the fern dust got on the fabric, but it blew away with a good huff & puff. You can use your paintbrush and fill in any spots that look like there should be paint. After the ferns were outlined, I painted the rest of the front of the pillow.
Never one to be left out, Peanut decided to help and painted her paw when she trounced through the project site.

Evidence=Wild Salmon paw.

I bought some piping at JoAnn's, sewed the sides together, and stuffed it. I am really pleased with the pillow, and I am thinking that there could be a whole nature series in the mix. I'm sure Peanut will be ready to help me.

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