
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Away: Iceland, Denmark, & Sweden

Lately, I have been spending an unhealthy amount of time thinking about vacations. Of course this leads me to reminisce about some of my favorite travels in the recent past...

Obviously, Iceland ranks high on the list. Above is the Blue Lagoon which was otherworldly. Nicholas and I were lucky enough to visit Iceland in April of 2010 when Eyjafjallajökull  erupted. This was a massive inconvenience for many people, but it worked out better than Nicholas and I could ever have imagined. I mean how many times will I ever get the opportunity to see a volcano erupting?

I also wouldn't mind in the least to return to Copenhagen and spend some more time getting to know the city. Nicholas I spent a week there last September. Everything was so colorful and European! Oh, and they have castles! Castles!

We ended our last vacation in Sweden. Sweden was sweet. I mean it--it was such a nice city. The perfect ending. Sweden had the most amazing markets, both indoor and street. There was always fresh food and flowers everywhere you looked.

Nicholas and I are in the middle of trying to plan an end-of-the-year/end-of-campaign vacation. We're aiming for something domestic but still new and still an adventure!

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