
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mt. Pillow

Take a look at those pillows! Now, all the pillows are fantastic in their own way, but the point of this post is to showcase the monumental mountain pillow. I handcrafted that puppy from scratch, and I'm tickled pink as to how it turned out. I wanted to make something else for Christine's birthday but I wasn't sure what. I had been thinking about a knit mountain pillow, but I didn't have a pattern, so I made one...

I became inspired after my recent trip to Mt. Rainier. The front of the pillow is a dark and light gray worsted weight yarn. I knit a mountain shape and towards the top using the intarsia technique added some snow and glacial shading. I sewed that front piece to a piece of canvas material which helped stabilize it. After stuffing the pillow, I decided it needed more detail. I used full-strands of embroidery floss to add details and shading to the pillow. I was very pleased with the final look, and Christine liked it, too! BONUS!

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