
Friday, September 7, 2012

little friends

One of Those Days

Totally dig these prints by Portland, OR artist, Ashley Goldberg. I love the grumpy, serious, petulant, skeptical,
sad expressions. Makes total sense because those are my main expressions. And I love her etsy profile!
Here's a quote, so you can love her, too. 

I strongly believe in what you're happiest doing at five is what you will be happiest doing your entire life.
Growing up, I endlessly drew and embroidered onto washcloths that my grandma gave me little creatures
and animals that I desperately wanted to live in the woods of my backyard.

Oh, Ashley, how I wish you had been a part of our sister cadre! We could have played pioneers in the woods together.
Take a stroll through her prints...

Trust Your Instincts

A Look Only You Would Understand


I'm Right Behind You

You can visit Ashley's etsy store here.
And her blog, Kitty Genius, here.
Please give her a little visit love!