
Thursday, July 19, 2012

recipe for success

I've been on the lookout for vintage wooden recipe boxes as part of a gift for the sisters for a while. I found this one in time for Catherine's birthday (31 May...OK, this post is coming a bit late), so I decided it was do or die time and created this. 

It's really quite easy. I just came up with a little phrase (It was a battle between recipe for disaster and recipe for success. Obviously, recipe for success won. Even though I liked the sound of recipe for disaster better, I thought there was no need to tempt the kitchen disaster spirits.), freehanded the pattern with a paint marker, and voila! Personalized recipe box.

To sweeten the deal, I filled it with a pack of vintage recipe card organizers containing all the helpful categories: appetizers & dips, cakes & cookies, biscuits & bread, etc. And Mom and I filled out some vintage recipe cards with recipes from our kitchens, as well as the Grandmothers'. Vintage + vintage + vintage = instant heirloom recipe box!

To personalize your own recipe box, you'll just need a blank recipe box and one of these:

There's a pretty decent color selection at Joann's, with several different tip options. Now get to work, my dearies!


  1. That's such a lovely idea! Beautiful ♥

  2. It looks amazing! I've never used those sharpie paint pens, but now I really want to. Thanks for the inspiration!


    1. Thanks, Jen! I'd totally recommend the Sharpie pens--I kind of wish I'd found them earlier. :)

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