
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Etch-your-sketch cocktail glasses!

Nicholas loves to make cocktails, so for his birthday I decided to create some customized glasses for all of the delicious cocktails he makes.

Step 1--Ready the supplies. I bought all the glasses at Cost Plus World Market. I think everything was $3.99 a piece. The Armour Etch was leftover from a project Christine did years ago, but I did confirm that you can buy it at Michael's (with a coupon, it would run you about $6). You'll need contact paper (Target $5), a sponge brush, scissors, and gloves.

Step 2--Decide what you want to etch into the glass. You'll be etching it into the glass with acid, so once it's there, it's there for life (or in our case until you break the glass...but I guess that's the "life" of the glass anyway so it works). I chose to etch in various things. Below, you'll see that I wrote out Nick's name. You need to remember that whatever isn't covered by contact paper gets etched. For serious!

Step 3--Stick the vinyl onto the glass and press it down hard--especially at the seams.

Step 4--Take some Windex and paper towel and clean the spot you're going to etch.

Step 5--Take a big ole glob of the etching paste and slather it on.

Step 6--Paint the Armour Etch up and down and left and right. Make sure you scour every spot that you want etched.
It is possible to etch some spots more than others, so you want to make sure you're evenly agitating every spot.

Step 7--Set a timer for 5 minutes, when it goes off take the glass to your kitchen sink and rinse it with tap water. After you get all the goop off, you'll want to peel back the vinyl sticker and wash the glass. Remember to wear your gloves. It is acid and will burn you.

Step 8--Marvel at your masterpiece. Science and creativity combine to make amazing stemware!



A bear.

Peanut and a corgi (Nick loves corgis)

Corgi and a bow (this is my version of his and hers wine glasses)

The complete set

Step 9--Wrap up the present in some Current wrapping paper circa 1990 that you bought at an estate sale for 50 cents.

Step 10--Add a pipe cleaner decoration.

Cheers and etch away!

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