
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

cat tatts!

via Harriet Gray

The cuteness! The unbearable and unending cuteness! I just found out about these a couple days ago when Anabela of Fieldguided pinned them on her catsss board.  Pure wonderment. These cat tatts were created by Harriet Gray, an illustrator hailing from Telford, England. Harriet makes all sorts of delightful goodies. Take an online stroll over to her etsy store here. Or poke around her blog: Harriet Gray Illustration. Thank you, Harriet for existing in this world. 

via Harriet Gray

via Harriet Gray

Why didn't I know about these in time for Catherine and Monika's birthdays? Total misstep on my part. Apologies, sisters. I'll try harder next time. Also, please note: This was all written with a cat laying on a fourth of my keyboard and part of my arm. Matilda is just so happy to have me home!!


  1. thank you so much for such a sweet feature :)

    1. You are most welcome. My sisters and I have been swooning over these!

  2. Replies
    1. Just follow the link listed above to Harriet's etsy store. I think I will be doing the same shortly!

  3. Thanks for sharing!
    I'm sharing this to my followers and link back to this post!

