
Friday, June 15, 2012

You Lit up my life.

 My lovely friend Dawn loves her lamps and she does it so well.

Allow me to introduce LIT, run by a custom lamp maven.

I recently had the pleasure of visiting her in Austin Texas and I was elated (but not surprised)
to find her home enchanted with her craft.

Le sigh.

Handmade curtains in a lovely vintage print.

Lamp full of life.

I'd wake up to this daily.

So sweet.

Repurposed vintage vases into lamp bases. (rhymes, I know)

Never short the small stuff.

Meticulous craftsmanship.

Any theme you can dream...

If you have a dream lamp (as I know a lot of us do), a lampshade that needs a bit of tender loving care, or you would really love to tie your room together but want something extra should get Lit and love your lamp.

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