
Saturday, June 23, 2012

We three to D.C.

Heads up: the Nicolai sisters will be out of town for around a week, so this little blog will be out of commission during that time. How is this different from all those other times the blog drops off the face of the universe for weeks on end? Well, this absence is planned...unlike those other times when we're too busy, or lazy, or consumed by ennui. Truth.

Where are we going? Washington D.C. and its environs. The impetus for the trip is a memorial lecture for our father, held at the JAG School (Judge Advocate General--basically the legal branch of the military) in Charlottesville, VA.

Without delving too deeply into all the military ins and outs (too many acronyms that I don't entirely understand), I'll just say that our dad's Army career was dedicated to the JAG Corps. This is a huge honor for our family, and we know that our dad would have been really touched...even though he might not have shown it. We're generally a pretty stoic bunch. (OK, most of the time.)

We might check in from time to time, or we might just get swept up in our trip, family, friends, and explosive sister fights--there's nothing like six days of sharing a double bed with your sibling to make you remember why you despise her, right? Hey, it's happened on more than one occasion. This would be an example of an instance where we are nowhere near stoic.

In conclusion, if you see instagrams from The American Museum of Natural History, please don't take that as an invitation to break into our houses. There are actually still cats, dogs, and people (in order of importance) living there.

Have a great start to summer, dear ones. Stay sweet!

 Christine, Monika, and Catherine

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