
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

There and Back Again, a roadtrip tale part 1

Recently Ben and I went to Austin Texas, road trip style. We left on Wednesday at midnight and arrived at our destination at 11 pm on Thursday. Non-stop, it was awesome.

This could have been Arizona or New Mexico, we drove through both.

Ben was in charge of taking most of the photographs, there were a lot of me driving. Ugh.

These Saguaro Cacti in Arizona reminded me of wedding cake toppers.

More than once did I think there were people trying to run up on freeway traffic.

Look at this island of capitalism in a barren desert.

Loan Cholla standing in a field, at dusk these also looked like people. Freaky.

Birthplace of middle sister (me) and youngest sister (Catherine)

This was at a gas station, we didn't buy gas from them. I bought gas across the street.

Rock on rocks on rocks.

Texas wild flowers, formally known as Mexican Hat Flowers.

Rest stop romance.

Patiently watching a grasshopper with one leg. Sad.

More things to scare me while driving in low light.

This Little Mermaid blanket that my girl Jenny made me comforted Ben and I while away from home.

Of course we saw plenty of these, but can you see the windmills in the distance?


Fire Ants!!

This thing!

And that was a summary of the trip to Austin. There aren't any night pictures because Ben took that driving shift on the way there, but don't worry if you love the desert in the dark we have plenty of pictures from the drive home when I took the late shift. The best part is why we went to Austin...stay tuned for part two to find out.

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