
Sunday, March 25, 2012


Just so you all know, it's effing gorgeous in Spokane today. Sixty-three degrees, son!  I realize that it'll be raining by tomorrow, but I don't even care. For the hundredth time this year, the weather has made me absolutely giddy. Sixteen year-old Christine would give me the hugest eye roll ever. What does she know anyway?

On the agenda for the rest of the afternoon:

Figuring out what to do with this gnarly branch I picked up in the cemetery with Maya and Zooey last week. I planned to make an Easter tree, complete with painted branches (maybe neon--I just have so much neon paint!), felted eggs, and paper birds...but now I'm thinking some kind of mobile would best suit it's terrific shape. Right now it's hooked over the edge or my curtain rod because Matilda kept dragging it around at night. She wrecked two tiny branches. Badness!
Any mobile suggestions? 

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