
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

fruit and veg, of the knitted variety

Every once in a while, Monika will knit us some amazing fruit and veggies. And surprise: they're actually cat toys! Just imagine several happy kitties bunny-kicking the heck out of what you see below.

a peach

and a turnip

I love the sweet rosy colors--they make me think of spring.
I would like to put in a request for a parsnip, two blood oranges, and a pomegranate. Stat!
You can check out more knitted fruit and veg on Monika's ravelry page.  

P.S. We're well aware that we've been doing some major slacking lately.
We'll try to do better...especially that Monika. Sheesh.


  1. so cute!! and such a great idea for cat toys, I think that's really clever.

  2. I love it! :)
    This is really cute!! <3

