
Monday, November 7, 2011

dodecahedrons and their ilk

Pinterest has really been bogarting my time lately. Do people still say bogarting? I have no idea, but the delightfulness of pinterest is the fact that you end up randomly discovering treasures like these beautiful art installations by Kristen Hassenfeld. She says her work has evolved into a three-dimensional daydream. Quite apt, I think.

Charm, mixed media, 2002

Dollar Dreams, mixed media, 2002

Pink Cluster, paper with mixed media, 2003

Untitled, mixed media, 2007
I would have called it Mothership.

Untitled (Witch), mixed media, 2007

Oh. My. Gosh. How crazy cool are they? Kristen uses all sorts of goodies to craft her installation pieces: paper, polystyrene board, acrylic, light fixtures, pipe cleaners...amazing. I love how the gems and crystals seem to erupt and tumble over one another. And so ethereally beautiful when lit. Contented sigh. To view Kristen's more recent work, you can visit her website, here. 

Now, how did I come to find these lovelies when most of this work ? Please let me tell you! I follow Terri Planty on pinterest (you should too), and she pinned Kristen's work from the Sycamore Street Press blog's May 2010 post. And the good people of Sycamore Street led me to the now defunct Bellwether Gallery

The dodecahedron of life: it moves us all. 

photos by Nash Baker and the Bellwether Gallery

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