
Monday, September 26, 2011


I've been kind of in the dumps for a couple weeks...except I don't call it the dumps, I call it the Doldrums. But I was determined to accomplish something on Sunday, and I was determined that accomplishing something would propel me from the Doldrums into whatever the opposite of the Doldrums might be. Some other seafaring reference? Maybe something to do with the Gulf Stream... 

Anyway, I cleaned my vacuum and then vacuumed the hell out of the apartment. I took care of the dishes and cleaned the bathroom. And then I hand-washed exactly 90 vintage handkerchiefs, strung them up to dry in my living room (this had to be done in batches), and ironed them all. It took HOURS. 

But it was a good opportunity to test drive the vintage handkerchief garland I will be making at some point. 

And then I had an egg sandwich and watched The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

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