
Monday, August 29, 2011

Estate-ing my way through the day

I made it to a few estate sales on Sunday and finished the afternoon with several new treasures. I always love coming home and laying everything out on the living room floor. I sort it all into piles and clean and exam all my finds, and then Matilda comes by to check everything out. This usually involves Matilda deciding to sit on one of my newly acquired treasures--a purse, a map, a piece of fabric--she likes to be in the middle of what's going on. 

vintage bell ornament

vintage clipboard

I love its 1960s faux marble pattern. 

vintage travel wallet

Holds your passport, airline ticket, landing card, letters of credit, and

any railroad tickets you might acquire along the way. They do tend to pile up. 

I also stumbled upon a treasure trove of vintage fabric.

All the more incentive for me to get my sew on. 

Of course, this isn't quite everything. I don't mean to be withholding, but a couple items are destined to become part of a larger project...hopefully. 


  1. Whenever I visit your blog I'm reminded of how freaking cool you are. I too like to clean and examine my thrift store finds. The process makes them mine. That travel wallet with the railroad ticket pocket is the coolest thing ever.

    I love your sisters too, in case you're reading, sisters Nicolai. - Abbie

  2. Abbie! I would sit on the living room floor and clean thrift store finds with you any day of the week and twice on Sundays. And the cats would wander hither and thither and sleep on all our precious treasures. This is my wish for us.

  3. Of course we're reading! Thanks for the love Abbie...and I'll always remember the time we spent together in Troy, MT.

  4. All the tips you shared are adorable !!! Thank you.
    voyance Email
