
Monday, May 23, 2011

Tacoma Time

I had a mini-break in Tacoma this weekend: hung out with Mom, had no luck at estate sales, wandered around several nurseries, ate the spiciest of spicy chicken burgers at Nick and Catherine's place, and received lots of Bruno's attention.

Some little jellybean sedum--a Mother's Day gift from Catherine.

The succulents were planted in the old bird bath.
These little fellows are also in residence.


As Mom and I surveyed plants and the new dogwood tree, Bruno begged to come outside. No dice.

The ducks stopped by for a visit.

Mom and I split a couple cupcakes--Lemon Coconut & Smores--from
Jubilee Cupcakes & Vintage Candy in North Tacoma.

Bruno slept on my bed, his neat little paws crossed.

He woke when I took the paw picture.

This morning he spent some time in this box--rather inconvenient for
me because I was in the middle of a project which involved getting
at the items in the bottom of said box. He bit me when I tried to move him.

Yep. Weekend accomplished.

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