
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow day (remix)

Nature dumped a truckload of snow on us today (around a foot, I guess), which made for quite the interesting drive to the air force base this morning. Also, quite the interesting shoveling of the driveway and the steps--I was watched by Squirrely (that Squirrel I fed those peanuts to--remember that?). That sentence was total crap, but I just don't feel like coming up with a fix at the moment. Sorry, people.

Taken on base (with my cell phone {while driving}). I know it doesn't look
like a ton of snow in this picture. The amount on that KC 135 Stratotanker
is not all that impressive, but consider the fact that it's pretty windy out
there so much of the accumulation has blown off to other locales.
Anyway, I made it there and back. The Museum is closed today--snow day--so, I made myself an egg sandwich and have spent the past couple hours knitting and watching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Don't you wish you could be doing the same? Probably you do. But now I need to actually do something with my afternoon.

Whatever that something will be, it probably won't merit a blog post, so this one will feature some recent found treasures. Way more exciting that anything else I have in my "to be blogged" file at the moment. I don't actually keep a file like's a notebook that Catherine was going to give away to the thrift store. It's yellow.

Since it fits well with a post about my estate/thrift finds, I also wanted to tell you that Design Sponge has added a new monthly column to their repertoire (I feel like I've been using that word a lot lately. Have I? Or is it just in my mind?): "Treasure Hunting". Here's their first installment on Keys!

OK, let's get back to focusing attention on me.

Bows from a Tacoma estate sale. They're like urchins!

Ribbon which will definitely play a large role in
Halloween decorations this year. Have I mentioned that
my two decorative pumpkins are still going strong on my
bookshelf? They're real troopers, in it for the long haul.

A 1950s edition of Life Among the Savages. Pick it up somewhere.  

It was an old library book--in very good shape if you're able to ignore the slight Grandma's basement smell.
If it weren't so snowy, I'd air it on the porch for a bit...maybe in a couple months.

While these bow stickers are cute, I really bought them for their description.

Very vintage wrapping paper.


Fall foliage

And clowns!

Yowzers. Who even came up with clowns in the first place? Riddle me that.

1 comment:

  1. I found the same copy of Among the Savages at the Goodwill last month, only my copy was in pristine condition.
