
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Projects! Projects! Projects!

The cowl I've already knit.

Right now I'm working on a cowl from Vogue Knitting International Holiday 2009 magazine.  The big question I need to answer is whether or not I should subscribe to Vogue Knitting magazine for a year.  I've been given an offer I might not be able to refuse. ($19.95 for 4 issues!!). We'll see.  Anyway, I've already knitted one cowl using this pattern, but I really, really like it, so I thought I would give it another go.  I always seem to knit the same thing more than once.  I should try to branch out more. I just started the actual pattern for cowl II on Friday. I used this project as an excuse to avoid my MPA reading as I should have done. Sigh, oh well.

While in Tucson, I decided to pick up some other lovely things.  Something that I picked up which was not lovely was a rotten cucumber.  I always try to bring Christine home rocks from places I go (she loves rocks).  I brought some back from London (very few rocks in London), Iceland (rock overload), and Tucson (a healthy rock balance).  This Tucson trip I thought I found a real gem--some kind glass looking rock.  It was in fact a peeled rotting cucumber. I touched it. It was gross.  Back to the lovely things I picked up.

I got this on mass clearance at Anthropologie.  It's a ceramic pot with leaves and ferns pressed in.  Pretty lovely right?

Do you want to know what is inside this pot?  Sure you do.

If you guessed're right!

These will be socks for Nicholas. Orange socks.

This will be something that I have yet to determine.  The yarn proceeds for this skein went to charity. How hip!

I don't know what I will make with these two eco-baby alpaca beauties, but whatever  project I decide on,  it will involve
wearing close to my body because this yarn feels like butter.  Paula Dean could cook with these balls.

She's kind of got a wonky eye in this picture.

Peanut loves hanging out in her tissue paper box.  It's her nightly routine.  She gets in the box before she turns bad and immediately after. It's time for bed now. Session starts tomorrow, and I am so not looking forward to that.

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