
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Birds, Tucson, and bad cats!

Bink and me...ET style.

Take note--the best time to buy glass-glitter bird ornaments is the day after Christmas.  I took full advantage of this and purchased six new birds.  All the birds are happily perched in the aviary.  These birds were purchased in downtown Olympia at Popinjay. 

I flew out to join Nicholas in Tucson AZ.  We rang in the New Year downtown.  

This is how our faces look most of the time. Mostly.

Nick, Herman, and Nolan decided to become cowboys.
When I told my mom that Nick bought a cowboy hat she shrieked, "He's not a cowboy!"

Dead cactus.

Nick's backyard.

Tucson is all about their minerals. This was at the Ventana Canyon Resort.

This is also at the resort. We stayed there one night.

 When we returned, the cats were happy to have suitcases to play in.

Nick has a really big head. Like whoa.

Bink is unsure.  Good call Bink.

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