
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's finally December!

Last night. From my front porch.
I'm super-excited because now I feel no shame whatsoever in contemplating the purchase of a real live Christmas tree. And believe me, it's been a long time since I've had a real tree in the house. I think Mom bought our fake tree when Dad was transferred to the Pentagon, so that would be like 1993. I think '93. Anyway, we went fake because we thought it'd be easier (since we were loaning the one and only male in our household to D.C. for a couple years). It seems silly now, but I suppose at the time (when we three girls were all relatively young and the house was filled with cats {almost enough cats to make us weird...almost}) it would have been a major chore to wrangle a tree into the trunk of Mom's Chevy and then from the trunk into the house. Oh well. I've continued the fakie tradition, but this year--THIS YEAR--is the year I will go back to the real thing. Pine needle-strewn floor and all. I'm totally stoked, yo.

I'm also thrilled (thrilled, thrilled to death!) at the thought of getting my Christmas boxes down from the top shelves of my closet. What treasures will be revealed? So exciting! I'm seriously getting a little giddy.

Other stuff I'm giddy about:

I knew Martha Stewart would come through for me!
I've been thinking fondly of baker's twine ever since I
bought that Christmas card holder from the Dollar Store
when I was like 13. It was basically red & white baker's twine
and little plastic clips. Clip the cards to the string. Voila! Christmas!

Oh man, I could eat a million and a half of these holiday
spice drops, and I probably will before the year is up.

This is one of the tips belonging to the icicle currently suspended from the
roof of my front porch.I'm enthralled by it. Sadly, in a couple days it'll be
too big for its britches and will totally crash and burn on my steps.
But another will appear shortly after, I'm sure.

I'm riding so high on the Christmas feeling right now--it doesn't even matter that I have to do laundry and wash some dishes. I'll just turn on my Christmas mix and jam the F out.

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