
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Home for Christmas

Turns out, I was able to make it home for real Christmas after all, but that doesn't negate Second Christmas, which is most certainly still happening. This was just a mini-Christmas with cookies and two amazing creations from Catherine's boyfriend, Nick: Eggplant Parmesan and Tiramisu. He's kind of a wonder in the kitchen. But what was a perfectly decent mini-Christmas for me, was a perfectly awful mini-Christmas for Matilda.

She will hide under the tree until Christmas is over!

She had a horrible time during the drive over (She hates her carrier, and to be fair, 5 hours is a long time to be stuck in a tight space. I'm going to buy her a bigger one for the drive back.), got jumped by Bruno once she arrived, and spent most of the evening hiding under the bed in Monika's old room. Things got better, but she was pretty angry with me for a while. She'll get over it.

Here are some pictures from our drive to Tacoma.

Sunrise in Spokane

From I-90. You can see my camera...well, window shots are tough.

Approaching the Columbia River crossing.

Heading through Snoqaulmie Pass.

Matilda always shoves her face against the crate door. I think she wants to make the trip as uncomfortable as possible.

This catnip crazed dynamo awaited Matilda in Tacoma.
Her fate was practically sealed.

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