
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Snow day!

All right people, I know you might not be ready for this, but here in Spokane it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. You know what I mean. It's snowing, snowing, snowing! In fact, this morning I received a call saying that the Museum will be closed today. A snow day for real! So totally exciting! I lit a cinnamon candle (so it smells like the inside of a Red Hot in here), selected my Christmas playlist (Sufjan Stevens, Bing Crosby, Johnny Cash, Ella Fitzgerald, and Mariah Carey), and have a full day to sort through Christmas decorations, gifts, and crafts. I might even bake something. Callooh! Callay! (That's from the Jabberwocky poem, by the way. {Through the Looking Glass. Lewis Carroll? You know: Beware the Jabberwock, my son! Seriously, watch out.})

All right. I have work to do. But I might update my progress later on today. For now, here's a little bit of Matilda--she's getting into the Christmas spirit by sitting on some Santa tissue paper.  

OK, who wants to poke her fluffy white chest?
Don't fret, I've got that covered.

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