
Sunday, October 3, 2010


I have too many green tomatoes. The growing season has not been kind to our nine tomato plants. I made the decision on behalf of the household to pick all the tomatoes last Thursday. My plan is to ripen them in little lunch bags in the windows.

Sooo many tomatoes!

It really was Thursday...

I already had a few ripe tomatoes. Please see exhibit A. I was already able to successfully ripen a green tomato using the lunch bag approach. Please see exhibit B.

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B

I washed and dried all the tomatoes and packed little tomato lunches for all my tomato children (That's what it felt like at least). Then I lined the windows with lunch bags. Some of them are already starting to ripen. 

Tomato lunches.

"Look at them friend green tomatoes!"

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