
Thursday, October 28, 2010

membranes and corpuscles

Tonight I opened a couple of pomegranates. "But wait," you might say. "How are pomegranates related to Halloween?" OK, have you ever looked inside a pomegranate? They're lousy with Halloweeness.

They look innocent enough.

Side note:
I'm going to go ahead and admit that I didn't have any great ideas about opening these puppies up (I mean, I knew to get a knife and make a cut, but I also knew this operation probably required a special technique), so I googled it--which worked out pretty well for all the parties involved (me and the fruit, basically).

Down to the Halloween of the matter. I sort of image that if I cut my arm in half it would, more or less, look like a pomegranate inside. All membranes and corpuscles and weepy, translucent tissue. HALLOWEEN. Or maybe not necessarily Halloween, maybe just gross.  

The other thing I can't help but think of is my 6th grade health teacher telling the class that warts are caused by seeds, and that if someone has a wart (I guess that's open or something?) and touches you with that wart, the seeds will get on you. I was terrified about wart seeds for the longest time. It still disturbs me quite a bit, and I don't even know if it's true. (If you know it's true, don't tell me.) I think the worst part is the idea of seeds inside your body, just waiting to pop out. Enough. I'm getting too weirded out.

It's almost like a tick cluster. Is that something that
exists? God, I hope not.

Let's just have some pictures. And let's never mention this again.

Remember when you lost those first couple of teeth, and there was
that little pit inside with maybe part of a nerve hanging there?
I know I do.

Oh look, I found the ass of a Medusa jellyfish
in the middle of my pomegranate.

And they're pretty darn good.

This one time, Catherine was telling me about something she'd read on the bubonic plague. You know the deal with the plague (wait for it, this totally relates)--swollen lymph nodes, headache, fever, vomiting and urination of blood, and (if you have the pneumonic version) coughing. When the disease has really progressed (like around the 3-5 day mark) the buboes (your swollen glands {in armpits, throat, and groin}) become necrotic. And here's the part Catherine told me: they pop and they make a little popping sound. Uhh yeah. Think about that the next time you bite into a pomegranate seed. 

P.S. When did this week suddenly turn into Halloween countdown? Just lucky, I guess.

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